Good Fat?     
Basic Needs 2    
Saturated Fat 2    
Finding Good Fat 2    
The Good News 2    

Reading List     

EFAs should account for 10% to 20% of your daily caloric intake.
Fat Facts







  The Good News

The good news is we know the difference between the good fats and the bad fats. And what makes it even better is that the good fats can be found at your local supermarket where they have been waiting to be re-discovered.

Fish, especially the darker fishes like salmon, contain two important omega-3 oils, EPA and DHA. These fats are essential to the body, which is why they are called essential fatty acids (EFAs). Fish also contains vitamins A, D, and K which are fats themselves required for proper nerve function and eyesight. For those who don't eat fish, flaxseed oil supplies an abundance of EFAs.

Olive oil is excellent for salads and cooking. The low rate of heart disease in southern Italy has been attributed to consumption of olive oil which contains several fats including oleic acid, a monounsaturated fat that has been hailed as an artery cleanser that over time actually reverses arteriosclerosis and restores flexibility to arteries. Other oils, such as sunflower, soy, safflower, etc. should be used in moderation as they contain far more omega-6 than omega-3 oil and thus a healthy balance is harder to maintain.

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Common Foods that contain GOOD fats
olives/olive oil
tofu (soy)
whole grains
tomato paste*
sweet corn*

* contains 1 gram or less
of fat per serving



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